Monday, 29 April 2013

Our visit to the Zoo on 24th April...

3A children visited the Singapore Zoological Gardens on the 24th April to learn more about the diversity among animals. They attended a lecture on how animals are classified according to their characteristics and what makes each sub-group special.

After which, they had their relaxing recess as they watched the Sealion show at Splash Safari. They then took a tour around the west side of the zoo to explore more about mammals and reptiles. Our final stop was at the Otter's residence, before we returned to school in the afternoon. It was a fun-filled experience for me and the children.

Materials Song...

Hi!'s a song on properties of materials! Hope you like it! Enjoy...

Click Me!


Ms Pavithra.

Our KB lesson on classifying animals...

3A children got to classify a list of animals using their own prior knowledge during a cooperative learning activity. They then had to give reasons on why they chose to classify in such a way. Through this, the pupils were able to realise that a set of animals can be classified in more than one way. For example, they can be classified according to body covering, the way they reproduce or even the place they live in. It was a very enriching lesson indeed....

3A's Pride of Prefects....

Presenting 3A 2013 Pride of Prefects....

Analysing and Sequencing events...

3A children tried out an activity which allowed us to string various paragraphs together to make them into a storyline. They were able to see how important it is to make sure that the paragraphs are well linked so that the storyline makes sense. This task got them to learn how to sequence events and plan a interesting composition. Here are some pics of them in action...